ESCRITURA: «Y no nos metas en tentación, mas líbranos del mal; porque tuyo es el reino, y el poder, y la gloria, por todos los siglos. Amén»...
«Y no nos metas en tentación, mas líbranos del mal; porque tuyo es el reino, y el poder, y la gloria, por todos los siglos. Amén» (Mateo 6:13).
Mike Kolen, quien jugó fútbol americano con el equipo de los «Dolphins» (Delfines) de Miami, una vez contó la siguiente historia: «Cuando me gradué de la Universidad de Auburn, el entrenador Shug Jordan me pidió que buscara talentosos jugadores para él. Yo le dije: “Está bien, entrenador. ¿Qué clase de jugadores necesita?”. Y él respondió: “¿Has visto a jugadores que cuando los tumban, allí se quedan?”. “Sí, los he visto”. “Bueno, es la clase de jugadores que no necesito. ¿Has visto a jugadores que no importa cuántas veces los tumben, se vuelven a levantar?”. “¡Sí! ¿Son esos son los jugadores que quiere?”. “No. Yo quiero al jugador que siempre los tumba”».
Estamos agradecido que el Señor Jesús nos levanta cuando estamos caídos, tumbados. Pero, ¿no le gustaría a usted tumbar al diablo, para variar? Puede hacerlo, si aprende a orar: «Señor, no me dejes caer en tentación, mas líbrame del mal».
¿Cuál es su más grande tentación? ¿El chisme, el alcohol, las drogas, la lujuria, el poder?
Amigo, cualquiera que sea su lucha, no salga hacia el mundo hoy sin orar, primero, Mateo 6:9-13.
Bendiciones familia.
Are You Sharing What You Have?
By Adrian Rogers, Sep 2, 2024
“And Joses, who was also named Barnabas by the apostles (which is translated Son of Encouragement), a Levite of the country of Cyprus, having land, sold it, and brought the money and laid it at the apostles’ feet.”...
(Acts 4:36-37)
In this time, revival had broken out and many people wanted to know what was happening as they poured into the city of Jerusalem. Many of them became Christians and decided to stay to learn more and grow in their faith. They had no home to sleep in. They were not wealthy people but ordinary people. So many of these people had no place to go and nothing to eat. There was a great need for resources to meet immediate needs.
Barnabas had property, and instead of looking for how it could make him the most profit, he said, “I’ve got a piece of land. It’s a valuable piece of land. I can sell it easily to help with the needs around me.” He saw a need and moved in to meet that need. He saw a load and decided to lift it. But you don’t have to have property to lift a load. If we pay attention, there are needs to meet and opportunities to help in many ways. Wouldn’t it be wonderful to be in a church full of people looking to lift one another’s load and bear each other’s burdens? That’s what this man Barnabas did. He gave what he had for the benefit of many.
How has someone helped you in a time of need?
Who is in need around you? How can you bear their burdens with them?
Help someone in need in your community.
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