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ESCRITURA:  «El que tiene mis MANDAMIENTOS, y los GUARDA, ése es el que me ama; y el que me ama, será AMADO por mi Padre, y Yo le AMARÉ, y m...


«El que tiene mis MANDAMIENTOS, y los GUARDA, ése es el que me ama; y el que me ama, será AMADO por mi Padre, y Yo le AMARÉ, y me manifestaré a él» (Juan 14:21).


Un pequeñito se cayó de la cama y estaba llorando. Su mamá vino, lo levantó, y le dijo: «Cariño, ¿qué pasa? ¿Cómo es que te caíste de la cama?». Y el niño respondió: «Bueno, creo que me quedé dormido muy cerca del borde de la cama».

Existe mucha gente que hace exactamente eso. Se acercan a Cristo y de alguna manera parece que se quedan «dormidos sobre el borde». Dicen: «Ya soy salvo y eso es todo». ¡Pero eso no es todo! Sólo es el comienzo de una relación que va a durar por toda la eternidad. Dios quiere «moverle» a usted a un mayor conocimiento de Él. 


[10:33 a.m., 29/7/2024] manuel girbal A1 Armor: Are You Fully Dependent On God?

By Adrian Rogers, Jul 29, 2024


“When He rose up from prayer, and had come to His disciples, He found them sleeping from sorrow. Then He said to them, ‘Why do you sleep? Rise and pray, lest you enter into temptation.’”...

(Luke 22:45-46)


God knows we need sleep, but there’s a time when sleep is inordinate. There are times in the morning when we don’t get out of bed in time to have a quiet time with the Lord. There are times when other pleasures come before the Lord Jesus Christ. And here is Peter asleep while Jesus is in the Garden of Gethsemane.

Are you asleep at the wrong time? Do the things that break the heart of Jesus break yours? Can you sing sincerely, “The cross before me, the world behind me,” or do you yawn in the face of God? Jesus taught us to pray every morning, not only for daily bread but also for daily protection. Do you put on the armor of God every morning, saying, “Dear God, in the name of Jesus, protect me and keep me?”

Have you been boasting when you should be depending? Have you been sleeping when you should be praying? Do you know why we don’t pray? Many of us have a boastful spirit. If you knew you could not make it without the power of God in your life, you would begin every day in prayer. But if you don’t pray, your prayerlessness is not the worst part of it. Your prayerlessness is the indication of the pride that says, “I’m quite capable to handle this day by myself.” And so, you whisper a little prayer and off you go, but then spiritually fall flat on your face.

When was a time you felt totally dependent on God? What did you do?

How can you remind yourself of your need for God today?


Talk to a fellow Christian about what it means to be dependent on God and ways to keep each other accountable for spending time with Him.

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