ESCRITURA: «El odio despierta rencillas; pero el AMOR CUBRIRÁ TODAS LAS FALTAS» (Proverbios 10:12). TESORO BÍBLICO: Hay personas, en cualqui...
«El odio despierta rencillas; pero el AMOR CUBRIRÁ TODAS LAS FALTAS» (Proverbios 10:12).
Hay personas, en cualquier reunión, que se gozan encontrando algo malo acerca de los demás. Y cuando escuchan algo feo, se deleitan enormemente haciéndolo público. El AMOR no se regocija en la iniquidad. El AMOR desea que nunca hubiera sucedido. El AMOR trata de cubrirlo. Eso no significa que disculpamos el pecado. Sólo lo cubrimos.
Permítanos ilustrar esto. Noé tuvo tres hijos: Sem, Cam y Jafet. Un día vino Cam y vio a su padre desnudo y fue corriendo a contárselo a los otros. Sem y Jafet cubrieron con su ropa a su padre que estaba desnudo. No para disculpar lo que había hecho, emborracharse, sino para cubrir su desnudez.
¿No sería el mundo mucho mejor si tuviéramos esa clase de espíritu?
Escriba los nombres de: 1) alguien que le ha hecho daño recientemente, 2) alguien que parece tener una mejor vida que la suya, y 3) alguien que ha hecho algo malo, pero nadie más sabe al respecto, sólo usted. Ahora, ponga a esas personas, en oración, delante del Señor, para que las perdone. Y pídale a Dios que le dé a usted la oportunidad de demostrar amor a esas personas.
Bendiciones familia.
Do You Feel Opposition From The Enemy?
By Adrian Rogers, Sep 16, 2024
“For a great and effective door has opened to me, and there are many adversaries. And if Timothy comes, see that he may be with you without fear; for he does the work of the Lord, as I also do.”...
(1 Corinthians 16:9-10)
Obviously, Satan does not want the Church to succeed to be mightily used of God! And Satan has all kinds of machinations, devices, and tricks to stop, slow down, or discourage the people of God. You might say, “Pastor, I don’t feel any satanic opposition.” But that’s not something I would brag about. If you and the devil have never met head-on, it’s because you are going in the same direction. If you turn around, rather than being in collusion with him, you’ll be in collision with him. There is always the opposition of Satan. But that doesn’t mean that, when Satan opposes, God is not for us. Paul said, “There is a great and open door, but” he said, “there are many adversaries.” And the door to the room of opportunity swings on the hinges of opposition. There’s no cheap way, no easy way, and no lazy way. When you try to do something for God and endeavor to let Him use you, you’re going to meet satanic opposition.
In the Bible, the devil is described as a deceiver, a liar, a murderer, an accuser, a tempter, and a destroyer. He has many aliases, but he has one desire: to dishonor and discredit the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ and every member of it.
When have you felt opposition from the enemy? What was that like?
What does it look like to press on in the face of opposition?
Pray for the universal Church and each member of it. Pray for endurance in opposition and against spiritual attack.
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